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Against The Lust Is More Difficult Than Fighting

Agar Website Kelas Islam Rutin Update Artikel Terkait Dunia Islami atau hal lainnya, Mohon Bantu Donasinya Akhy wa Ukhti, Caranya pun Mudah. Akhy wa Ukhti hanya cukup Meng-Klik Iklan Dibawah ini ataupun Iklan yang Berada Dimana Saja. Salam Ukhuwah dan Saling Peduli Sesama yaa Akhy wa Ukhti :)
Agar Website Kelas Islam Rutin Update Artikel Terkait Dunia Islami atau hal lainnya, Mohon Bantu Donasinya Akhy wa Ukhti, Caranya pun Mudah. Akhy wa Ukhti hanya cukup Meng-Klik Iklan Dibawah ini ataupun Iklan yang Berada Dimana Saja. Salam Ukhuwah dan Saling Peduli Sesama yaa Akhy wa Ukhti :)

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Agar Website Kelas Islam Rutin Update Artikel Terkait Dunia Islami atau hal lainnya, Mohon Bantu Donasinya Akhy wa Ukhti, Caranya pun Mudah. Akhy wa Ukhti hanya cukup Meng-Klik Iklan Dibawah ini ataupun Iklan yang Berada Dimana Saja. Salam Ukhuwah dan Saling Peduli Sesama yaa Akhy wa Ukhti :)
KelasIslam, content of Al-Ankabut verse 69: Fight the lust is more difficult Than Fighting - In the interpretation of the content of Al-Ankabut verse 69, explained that the words of "we" is meant i.e. in paragraph are those which are about to emigrate in the way of Allah. as well as within the framework of Jihad against the enemies to those they encountered.

They are in that surely should be directing the whole ability to solely expecting Ridho from God Almighty. Sheer. This paragraph clarifies that the criteria of the figure of people who should get a truth which people should certainly have a sense of taste or endeavor to do in terms of keeping the commandments of God Almighty. (do ihsan), Allah SWT. will help in such matters and will also mempermudahkan him in obtaining a guidance in the way HAQ.

According to Yunahar Ilyas in Lecture of morals: 2012, 111, he explained that controlling a lust is not a matter which is quite easy, but we memerkukan a struggle that is not familiar with the name of the word ' knackered '. Because combat an Eve and passions of true or myself that things are more difficult than the war against a swarm of enemy individual even in the battlefield. Thus, visible especially if a sighted person not yet able to control over the passions, then crowned he normally wouldn't be able to fight the enemy from the battlefield.

Even The Prophet. always give an example to his people, behold, it is recommended to always attempt to control himself under any circumstances to talk about it, one of them namely mengontol yourself in the situation of anger suddenly appeared.

Anger is coal which cast a demon towards the heart of Adam. Usually, people who are angry or not able to control his emotions, he is very popular so clearly seen in terms of her face i.e. red, veins arise in any tightened her nerves, and sometimes his expression usually also launched his own pairs or unreasonable.

Of course, if arises a feeling of anger inside of yourselves, then another way of them namely self control, hold a speech and indecent deeds. Refrain yourself just so in order not to ourselves it will terhasut to throw the word or do things that make God Almighty. not Green to us. If you guys haven't been or still rage, then the Prophet. in this case any advocate to make haste to take water and ablution ablution, better yet we pray in terms in order to get a peace of heart and intention to eliminate anger, better yet after 30ru recite the Rosary, tahmid, tahlil and also bersholawat.

The devil is usually often tempt mankind in order risked his Eve so he forgot on Almighty God. and on himself. Satan also many ways to do as well as seductive man in doing an immoral, i.e. attempts to mencampuradukan a matter that HAQ and vanity.

In the Tafsir Ruh Al-Bayan, Sheikh Ismail Haqqi tells, that many of the Sufis who did spiritual exercises which include self control (mujahadah) who suffered a lot of failures. The failure of it because they have been ensnared in a trap of Satan that variegated kind. Whereas if we we want do self control (mujahadah), then there are some of the benefits and wisdom than with familiarize yourself with bermujahadah.

Such as according to Sheikh Abdul Qadir Isa essence Tasawauf: 2011, 75-77 related to the abundance of some of the benefits and wisdom mujahadah, among others, as follows:

  1. Awake aibnya, inasmuch as he is able to control or to control himself from nature that loves searching around for other people's mistakes or disgrace
  2. Terhindarnya from behavioral israf (exaggeration) due to being able to control it from his Eve thing is overrated.
  3. Spared from any kind of disease, especially i.e. liver disease (inner) include such as: arrogant, ria, as well as angry, etc. And on the other hand our souls would be the emergence of a sense of the nature which is commendable as sincere, tawadhu, patient, tawwakul, iskhitiar, courtesy and manners, etc.
  4. Will acquire the ease which in ease got guidance as well as ridhonya God Almighty. against us. So in this case we are kept away from the despicable nature of them such as: angry, spiteful, arrogant, spiteful, etc.
  5. Happiness and Inner will be obtained with the tertanamnya this
  6. Heart and soul will be increasingly more tawadhu (humble) and clean with always accompanied with a calm heart is not gundah

Jika Ingin Mengemukakan Pendapat, Berkomentarlah Dengan Baik dan Sopan. Salam Ukhuwah Akhy wa Ukhti :)